Hola Amigo,
Happy Thanksgiving!
You may be enjoying wonderful moments with your family.
Or you may be wishing that things were different in some way…
But one thing is for certain, as an artist you have special skills that can help you have a meaningful Thanksgiving and sometime you will become aware of your secret artist super powers!
What super powers are those?
Observation and expression.
When you become aware that you aready know how to observe and to express then you will know that there is something wonderful that you can do with any situation or emotion that you have on Thanksgiving, or anytime!
We observe and express when we paint so we already know how to do it.
First we feel the desire to paint. Maybe we have an idea about what we would like to paint, something we have observed inside or outside. We express that idea in color and shapes.
But how does this help us on Thanksgiving?
We can paint our own lives!
When something wonderful happens, even if it’s small, observe it. Paint it in bright colors on paper or on your soul.
If something difficult happens, express it in detail. Painting can be like a friend and will listen to you. Once it is on paper or canvas you are free to move on!
Eventually you will want to paint only wonderful things and you will find a way to see only the things you long for most deeply in your experiences and in your life.
Painting them will only deepen your wonder!
Let Spray Paint Art Secrets make it easy for you! This month we are painting a beautiful nebula and other things in minutes! Check it out here.
Give your self a gift this holiday season.
Sign up as a basic or Gold member NOW and today can be the first day of you being the artist of your dreams!
If you have any questions please email me, Alisa Amor, personally at [email protected]
See you inside!
Hasta Pronto
Alisa Amor
Basic Membership
The Gold Package